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Vertigo Triggers: 8 Facts Everyone Needs to Know

James Fiore

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Many people consult with an upper cervical chiropractor to know more about the rationale behind their symptoms, such as a spinning sensation, nausea, and at times, vomiting. After a thorough and careful explanation, they begin to understand that they might be suffering from the disease called vertigo.

So, what causes this debilitating illness? Read on and learn eight important facts about this health condition that afflicts millions of people in the United States and worldwide.

1. Dehydration can be a trigger.

Dehydration may be a trigger for vertigo. Since water is a must for healthy blood circulation, it is important to drink at least 8-12 glasses of water per day. When blood circulation is impeded or disturbed due to dehydration, vital oxygen supplies do not reach the brain. This causes brain fog and other cognitive problems. Later on, the lack of oxygen results in light dizziness or a more serious vertigo attack.

2. Hypertension may lead to vertigo.

High blood pressure or having hypertension makes a person prone to vertigo. It is estimated that around 20 percent of hypertensive people develop vertigo. However, the kind of vertigo they develop may also be due to other ailments aside from high blood pressure. Problems in the inner ear, brain function, and other diseases may also cause the onset of vertigo symptoms. What is important to know is that hypertension and recurring vertigo may be a predictor of a stroke. Taking appropriate measures early on, getting tested, and knowing about the available conventional and alternative relief methods, are some of the keys to prevent more serious health problems.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

3. Anxiety can be behind a vertigo attack.

Anxiety and vertigo make a terrible mix inside a person’s mind and body. In the simplest terms, the fact is that vertigo causes stress, and anxiety makes vertigo worse. When the anxiety gets out of control, it could escalate to a full-on panic attack. During a panic attack, the spinning dizziness becomes more likely.

4. Iron deficiency may also result in vertigo.

Anemia or iron deficiency may also cause signs and symptoms of vertigo. A blood test will help a person know if he or she has an iron deficiency. A person found to be anemic is often given iron supplements and, at the same time, is educated on how to adopt a diet that is rich in iron and other minerals needed by the body.

5. Blood circulation problems can be a culprit.

If blood circulation around the head and body is inadequate, it causes some problems for the brain and other parts of the body. Like any other organ of the human body, the brain needs blood because it is a carrier of nutrients or fuel required for proper functioning. The blood itself carries the oxygen, which is vital to keeping the brain and the entire body alive. Without adequate blood, the brain becomes oxygen-starved, and this leads to dizziness.

6. Vertigo is a possible side effect of some medications.

Many people who complain about vertigo are often asked if they take any kind of prescription medicine. It is important to know each individual’s medical history before doctors prescribe medication, especially since some drugs can have adverse effects. The contraindication may cause vertigo and other symptoms and signs of being unwell.

7. Vertigo & migraine can go hand in hand.

Migraine, as well as neck problems, are known to cause vertigo. Looking deeper into the source, it is known that any misalignment of the atlas bone (also called C1 vertebra) and the axis bone (referred to as C2 vertebra) may cause migraines. Misalignments of these vertebrae could also cause compression on the brainstem. When the brainstem is compressed, it then leads to malfunctions in the central nervous system. All combined, these structural abnormalities result in head pain, loss of balance, fatigue, and other symptoms associated with migraine and vertigo.

For many years, our practice has been instrumental in introducing natural relief alternatives to people who suffer from migraines and vertigo. By doing a non-invasive procedure called upper cervical chiropractic, neck problems are straightened out, which results in improved brainstem function. Afterward, people who undergo spinal adjustments begin to experience more relief and fewer symptoms of vertigo.

Upper Cervical Spine Health & Natural Relief from Vertigo

At our office, people are not only given the correct adjustments they need to regain optimal health. They also learn about the structure, functions, and importance of the upper cervical spine.

We examine patients for any structural imbalance or misalignments in the atlas and the axis bones during the first visit. Part of our job provides explanations as to how these bones form a protective layer around the brainstem. People also get information about how a misalignment in the upper cervical spine affects brain function and the workings of the central nervous system (CNS).

After making adjustments to the upper cervical area, we take away irritations in the CNS. Studies show that these irritations in the CNS could cause improper communication of signals between the body and the brain. With appropriate chiropractic techniques, the central nervous system’s health returns to normal, and the brain-body connection improves.

More importantly, people who visit our upper cervical chiropractor are given safe, gentle, and precise bone adjustments that help reduce vertigo’s signs and symptoms. Pain and discomfort are also reduced significantly with each spinal adjustment.

You, too, can get rid of the symptoms of vertigo and experience relief. Consult with us today.

To schedule a consultation in our Santa Ana office call 714-543-2430, or just click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

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